Saturday, July 12, 2014

7-11-2014 Rocky and Pup From Our Pal Val !

thought I'd share these shots of PK4--Rocky's pup. Lesley, Kimo and I spent nearly two hours watching the pair today. What fun....lots of water time, in fact most of the time was spent in the water. I think this pup is a *SHE* cuz she never stops moving, always on the go. Once they finally hauled out, the pup played with almost everything...plastic bottle, piece of coral and a piece of driftwood. Momma Rocky had to give "her" a flipper a couple times to control her curiosity. At one point momma even put  "her" in a head hold. PK4 is a spunky one!!   Enjoy~~ Val

 This picture is TOO cute
 excellent picture wish i was there
 good momma rocky
 little rockette ready for a close up

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