Friday, April 4, 2014

4-3-2014 Diane aka Diga's Turtle Bay Day

Nothing could be finer than to be ..... to have the day like this!

I had the afternoon shift with Meli at Turtle Bay. One the way I checked on R5AY @ (11:40am) at Hau'ula beach park after a heads up from DB. She looks good, healthy and green. It's a shame she hauls out here because she is so close to the road but she was still there on my way home at 6pm.

When I arrived at Turtle Bay I found La'akea (RK82) @ (12:40pm) at Right Spot's spot on the main beach. There was a man made SPZ around her and she was sleeping soundly.

I found Meli (RF20) @ (1pm) sleeping at her birth beach at the elbow.

Kaikaina (RL54) hauled out at 3:30pm to join Meli. After waking her sister and doing their greeting dance they made their way down to the water and went for a long swim. They were at Kaikaina's birth beach heading toward the hotel when I lost them at 4:51pm. I'm guessing they went back to the elbow. I checked on La'akea and found her heading into the water at 5pm

 I am thinking these two are best buds
 it will be interesting to see as they get older how close they stay or will things change?
 5AY at Hauula with a very close person passing by.  

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